Colleagues and researchers I am working with.
- Jean-Pierre Pécuchet, Professor, Phd advisor, LITIS - INSA of Rouen
- Laurent Vercouter, Professor, LITIS - INSA of Rouen
- Nathalie Chaignaud, Assistant Professor, LITIS - INSA of Rouen
- Jean-Philippe Kotowicz, Assistant Professor, LITIS - INSA of Rouen
- Alexandre Pauchet, Assistant Professor, LITIS - INSA of Rouen
- Nicolas Delestre, Assistant Professor, LITIS - INSA of Rouen
- Jean-Baptiste Louvet, PhD, LITIS - INSA of Rouen
- Jean-Christophe Routier, Professor, Research Center in Computer Science, Signal and Automatics of Lille (CRIStAL)
- Maxime Morge, Assistant Professor, Research Center in Computer Science, Signal and Automatics of Lille (CRIStAL)
- Laurence Devillers, Professor, LISN (Orsay, France)
- Sophie Rosset, CNRS Senior Researcher, LISN (Orsay, France)
- Vincent Letard, PhD, LexRock AI
Telecom ParisTech / ISIR
- Chloé Clavel, Senior Researcher, INRIA
- Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS Senior Researcher, ISIR (Paris, France)
- Valentin Barrière, Researcher, Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (Macul, Chile)
- Brian Ravenet, Assistant Professor, Université Paris-Saclay
- Frédéric Landragin, CNRS Senior Researcher, LATTICE (Paris, France)
Other labs
- Paul Mycek, Senior researcher at Cerfacs
- Rémi Flamary, Professor, École Polytechnique
- Aurélie Boisbunon, Data Researcher at Ericsson
- Zacharie Alès, Associate Professor, ENSTA
- Ovidiu Serban, Research Fellow, Imperial College London